thunderclouds 175As promised, here’s an earlier than planned look at the first few chapters of my second Frank Adversego cybersecurity thriller, called The Lafayette Campaign, a Tale of Deception and Elections. It’s a timely ride piggybacking on a U.S. Presidential election, and the action begins just about now relative to the current madness.

The final book weighs in at a hefty 127,000 words, and about 350 pages. I’ve sent off my proof pages with final edits and my back cover copy, so unless the group I’m working with takes longer than hoped to finish things up, I should have at least the eBook file back by the end of the week. Again, assuming things go as planned, I can upload the file at Amazon this weekend and it will percolate through their system within a few days.

I’ve decided to go exclusive with Amazon for the eBook for the first 90 days before submitting it to other channels. The print version will be made available through multiple channels as soon as I can get the files uploaded to Amazon and LightningSource.

So, even with some blips, hopefully the book will be available in 2 – 2/12 weeks. Until then, hopefully the first few chapters will suffice – and you can find them here.
