Book Blurb, Take Two

With thanks to those kind enough to comment on my first take at a book blurb, here’s Take Two. As before, comments are very welcome. First, a quick note on my thinking behind this draft. Since I didn’t spend time trying to get my first book into brick and...

Hallelujah! Book Two is off to the Editor

The old line about the joys of boating holds that an owner’s two happiest days are when he buys a boat and when he sells it. An author feels the same way about a book, although you have to up the number of happy days to three: the day the author sits down to...

Venture Capitalists Run Amok (Again…)

Heaven help us all, they’re doing it again. The “who” are the venture capitalists, and the “what” is super-inflating another start-up company bubble. One of the subplots in my first book, The Alexandria Project, involved VCs, who I took great delight in skewering,...