by Andy Updegrove | Jun 11, 2015 | My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing
With thanks to those kind enough to comment on my first take at a book blurb, here’s Take Two. As before, comments are very welcome. First, a quick note on my thinking behind this draft. Since I didn’t spend time trying to get my first book into brick and...
by Andy Updegrove | Apr 19, 2015 | My Writing, Writing
The old line about the joys of boating holds that an owner’s two happiest days are when he buys a boat and when he sells it. An author feels the same way about a book, although you have to up the number of happy days to three: the day the author sits down to...
by Andy Updegrove | Jan 14, 2015 | Interviews, My Writing, Promotion
Not long ago, I conducted an interview with Senan Gil Senan, author of Beyond the Pale, focusing on how and why he wrote the book that he did. I found his book as well as his interview answers to be fascinating. Now we’ve switched places, offering me an opportunity to...
by Andy Updegrove | Dec 28, 2014 | My Writing, SelfPublishing
Some authors dread revising, while others find it hard to stop. Back in the day when authors found publishers and then mated for life, I expect it may have been easy to know when to call it a day and ask for an editor’s invaluable assistance. But in the...
by Andy Updegrove | Dec 21, 2014 | Book Reviews, My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing
I wanted to give a big Thank You to those readers who have recently posted reviews of The Alexandria Project. Where they are also authors, I’d like to also provide links back to their sites so that you can learn about them and their books as well. The first is by Ian...
by Andy Updegrove | Dec 17, 2014 | My Writing
Heaven help us all, they’re doing it again. The “who” are the venture capitalists, and the “what” is super-inflating another start-up company bubble. One of the subplots in my first book, The Alexandria Project, involved VCs, who I took great delight in skewering,...
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