by Andy Updegrove | Oct 20, 2014 | Book Reviews, Interviews
As you will have gathered from the title to this interview, Felipe Adan Lerma is a man of diverse creative interests. His latest effort (released yesterday) is a thriller novella titled One Night in the Hill Country, and it follows on a rich portfolio of prior work...
by Andy Updegrove | Oct 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
I happened upon a blog entry the other day that asked why J.K. Rowling hadn’t self-published her new crime books. The blogger went on at great length to illustrate the advantages Rowling could have enjoyed if only she had hired her own editor, publicist and so...
by Andy Updegrove | Oct 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Felipe Adan Lerma’s new Thriller/Novella is due out on October 19. The pre-release price is only $2.99, and if you like supporting self-published authors, here’s a great opportunity to do so. Let’s see if we can’t help Adan’s book launch...
by Andy Updegrove | Sep 20, 2014 | CyberSecurity, Promotion, SelfPublishing
We all know what happened to musicians once Napster came along – millions of people started downloading their music without paying a dime to the authors or publishers of that music. If you’re the author of a self-published eBook, is the same thing...
by Andy Updegrove | Sep 14, 2014 | Nature
Scientists and philosophers have struggled for years to define our relation to reality, or even to decide what “reality” might be. The rest of us mostly muddle through the daily experience of our existence. For a writer, perceptions of reality are also...
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