by Andy Updegrove | Apr 3, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing
Once upon a time, there were authors and publishers. Then things changed, and authors had to be both – ideally at the same time. No problem, right? Well… I tried for quite a while – more than a year, to be precise – to do both write and...
by Andy Updegrove | Feb 16, 2015 | Writing
One of the ten commandments of creative writing must certainly be Thou Shalt Not Use clichés. The difference with writing commandments, of course, is that there’s always an “except…” Except, perhaps, in the case of the hated cliché, or nearly...
by Andy Updegrove | Jan 25, 2015 | Book Reviews, Writing
Effective character descriptions do more than provide a visual image of a character’s appearance. They can also take the reader into the mind of the person they have just met, provide the first hint of their destiny, or perhaps a dark shadow of their past. In...
by Andy Updegrove | Jan 19, 2015 | Book Reviews, SelfPublishing, Writing
It’s my pleasure this week to share an interview with career journalist, “hybrid” author, and most recently, illustrator Ian Probert. Ian’s latest genre (ad)venture is Johnny Nothing, a sly, riotously funny book written ostensibly for children...
by Andy Updegrove | Jan 14, 2015 | Interviews, My Writing, Promotion
Not long ago, I conducted an interview with Senan Gil Senan, author of Beyond the Pale, focusing on how and why he wrote the book that he did. I found his book as well as his interview answers to be fascinating. Now we’ve switched places, offering me an opportunity to...
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