by Andy Updegrove | May 31, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing, Writing
Today I made the very last corrections and improvements to the text of my second book of fiction, now retitled and subtitled The Lafayette Campaign, a tale of deception and elections. As the title hints, it’s a thriller with a presidential campaign as a...
by Andy Updegrove | Apr 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
Ah, Twitter. Either you love it or you hate it. The big question is whether an author in the latter camp can afford to simply ignore it. The answer, I think, is “mostly.” Here’s why. I should start by owning up to the fact that I find Twitter to be,...
by Andy Updegrove | Apr 21, 2015 | Book Reviews
Once upon a time – and a very long time it was – the short story was a well-respected form of literary fiction as well as an essential thread in the warp and woof of everyday life. Whether we’re speaking of one of Aesop’s moral lessons or an...
by Andy Updegrove | Apr 19, 2015 | My Writing, Writing
The old line about the joys of boating holds that an owner’s two happiest days are when he buys a boat and when he sells it. An author feels the same way about a book, although you have to up the number of happy days to three: the day the author sits down to...
by Andy Updegrove | Apr 6, 2015 | SelfPublishing, Writing
What a question. It reminds me of other eternal inquiries, such as Why is a mouse when it spins? or, What’s the difference between a duck? At least those questions have answers (although you’ll have to read to the end of this blog post to find out what...
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