by Andy Updegrove | Jun 14, 2015 | Book Reviews
Darkly Wood is an evil place, one to be avoided at all costs, and never to be ventured into under any circumstances. Except in print, in which case your curiosity will be very well rewarded indeed. It’s imaginative and well-written, and despite the fact that it...
by Andy Updegrove | Jun 11, 2015 | My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing
With thanks to those kind enough to comment on my first take at a book blurb, here’s Take Two. As before, comments are very welcome. First, a quick note on my thinking behind this draft. Since I didn’t spend time trying to get my first book into brick and...
by Andy Updegrove | Jun 9, 2015 | Book Reviews
Nico Laeser’s Skin Cage is a provocative read that begins as one type of story and then, all of a sudden when you’re not looking, crosses effortlessly into another that you (or at least I) did not see coming. It’s a compelling and engrossing read that...
by Andy Updegrove | Jun 7, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing
It’s a safe bet that writing the blurb for a new book wouldn’t make any author’s top ten list of joyously anticipated tasks. And yet there it is, as necessary as it is tedious, and not to be neglected before the book itself is presented to its hoped...
by Andy Updegrove | Jun 4, 2015 | SelfPublishing
It takes something truly ridiculous to make me write an out and out rant. Still, every now and then I read something that I can’t avoid responding to, because of the degree to which it misrepresents reality in an area I both care about and am knowledgeable in....
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