Book Review: A Field Beyond Time (Lesley Hayes)

In her first career, Lesley Hayes was a professional writer, and in her second, a psychotherapist. The result, upon her return to fiction writing, is an elegant style informed by insights into the human condition that most authors would be unable to tweeze out of the...

Final Blurb, Endorsement and Brief Bio

With the assistance of faithful readers of this blog, I’m ready to send the back cover text for the print version of The Lafayette Campaign off to the cover designer; the same material will go on the book’s Amazon page. My sincere thanks to each of those...

Book Blurb, Take Three

Many thanks to those that have continued to help me tighten up the blurb for The Lafayette Campaign – it’s now much better than my original draft, and also much better than I would have been able to make it on my own. See what you think. I’ve tried...