by Andy Updegrove | Jul 14, 2015 | My Writing, Writing
Sooner later, mortality catches up with every family. There’s no good way out of this life, but some ways are more difficult than others. The process can be long, and often it’s painful. Sometimes it can even be degrading. Being given the ability to walk...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 12, 2015 | Interviews, SelfPublishing, Writing
A month ago, I posted a review of Nico Laeser’s excellent novel, Skin Cage, a novel written in the first person from a most unusual perspective. The choice of that viewpoint, as well as the degree to which the author succeeded in accomplishing what can only be...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 8, 2015 | Book Reviews
The simple title of Julia Lund’s well-crafted “Selkie” may fall strangely on non-U.K. ears, but the legends that it draws on are as old as the peoples that returned to the wind-swept coasts of Scotland in the wake of the receding glaciers. The hold...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 5, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing, Writing
So there you are, at long last. The writing, the revision (and revision, and revision and revision…) are over; the proofreading, too, and the cover design. The files are uploaded, and in due course your book has winked live at Amazon, for all the world to buy....
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 1, 2015 | My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing
Well, it really is a great feeling to push that final “submit” button after you’ve uploaded the cover, the file, and all of the metadata and other information that Amazon asks for. And behold – only an hour later, my second book, titled The...
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