by Andy Updegrove | Jul 30, 2015 | My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing
I’m happy to report that the launch of my second cybersecurity thriller, titled The Lafayette Campaign, a Tale of Deception and Elections, is off to a great start in a couple of ways. First, and most eerily, the rise of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 29, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing, Uncategorized
While the sample set was not large, the results were interesting. Thanks to those that participated in the poll I posted last week. If you missed that opportunity, it’s not too late to do so – you can find the poll questions here, and if additional folks...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 26, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing, Writing
A week ago I posted a piece here titled Book Promotion: What Really Works? and promised to pour the results of your feedback into a poll that I’d then post for broader participation. I’ve now done that, and you can find the poll here. If you have a half a...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 20, 2015 | My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing, Writing
Once upon a time, when someone was done writing a book (or even before), they tried to find a publisher, or an agent and then a publisher, willing to take on their book. Of course, that was eons ago – say, oh, five years or so. Now we’re in the...
by Andy Updegrove | Jul 18, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing
These are the best and worst of times for authors. We can publish and promote our own books, and there are almost endless ways to go about doing so. The problem is, most promotional methods either don’t work well (or sometimes at all), or they need to be done in...
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