by Andy Updegrove | Nov 9, 2015 | Uncategorized
Notching another year in the metaphorical – and rapidly diminishing – stick measuring one’s life is not exactly a celebratory event. In fact, it’s right up there with performing your morning check in to confirm that you haven’t sold any books....
by Andy Updegrove | Oct 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Two and a half weeks ago, I posted a report on the initial results of a free copy promotion I ran, using four of the more effective book newsletter services. That campaign was successful in the near term, resulting in 4,360 downloads of my second book. In the...
by Andy Updegrove | Oct 6, 2015 | Promotion, SelfPublishing, Writing
For years now, the prevailing wisdom in self-publishing has been that periodically pricing a book at free for a few days is a great way to build an audience. More recently, many authors are reporting that giving away thousands of free copies of a book has almost no...
by Andy Updegrove | Sep 28, 2015 | My Writing, Promotion, SelfPublishing
Over the last several months I’ve been trying, and reporting on, my success with various paid promotions. This week I’m running a blitz of promotions with the book available for free. Why not download a copy right now here? If you’re so inclined,...
by Andy Updegrove | Sep 18, 2015 | Book Reviews
I’m a bit behind in my reviews of other Indie authors, but am happy to get back in the saddle with this recommendation of the first book in Barbara Speake’s three book (to date) series describing the adventures of Annie Macpherson, a young Scots detective...
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